a pixel pusher's personal blog...

opinions, musings, thoughts, the life in my head... and Fritzi. My pages, no apologies.

Sunday, March 01, 2009

It's 4 am in Basel...

... Morgestraich!


The city lights go out at 4 am sharp. From the many small alleys and larger side streets cliques of masked drummers and fifer's march towards the Market Square in Basel. Each clique is lead by a huge lantern that shows this year's motif. Read about this incredible event: Fasnacht in Basel.

It's three days, of madness, pageantry, colour, tradition, fun. I'm watching this from here and my eyes tear up... Homesick. I want to be there so badly.

Live cams are sprinkled throughout the downtown core. For the next 3 days and nights these cameras will record the event.
I'll be watching!


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